Monday, August 8, 2011

Beauty Queens Season 1 Info

The Beauty Queens don't just star in a 4 minute video. They have their own series! The Beauty Queens should be back by next year. I've been taking some time to plan out the upcoming episodes. And when the Beauty Queens come back, each episode should be at least 2 minutes longer!

For Season 1, the Beauty Queens will have 5 or 6 episodes. Kinda short, but Seasons 2 & 3 should have 7 or 8 episodes each. And yes, we WILL have a Season 2 and 3, but we are not yet sure if there will be any more Beauty Queens after that.

And, just to let you know, we're changing the name of the show to Beauty Queens (instead of 6-Year-Old Beauty Queens) as soon as Season 2 starts.

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